Daylight saving time is a practice that involves everyone in a certain territory or country simultaneously advancing their clocks to extend their daylight hours in the summer months. Countries in the Northern Hemisphere usually set their clocks ahead one hour in March or April and set them back an hour in September or October.
Daylight Saving Time & Your Favourite Lucky Numbers Draws
So how does this affect your favourite Lucky Numbers draws then? Well, let’s look at the United Kingdom and how daylight saving time can affect your favourite UK 49s draws below:
However, once the clocks change in March/April, the draws close an hour earlier:
UK 49s Afternoon: 13:49
UK 49s Evening: 18:49
Click here for a full list of countries and territories still using daylight savings time. However, keep in mind that sometimes countries abandon the practice. In the last ten years, the likes of Paraguay, Fiji, Samoa, Brazil, Namibia, Turkey, Uruguay and more have all abandoned daylight saving.