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Hollywood Bunny Chow Competition – December 2014

Here are all our entries for December for the Hollywood Bunny Chow Instagram Competition! You can enter today by sending us a pic of yourself enjoying a delicious Hollywood Bunny Chow! A R100 meal voucher and a Hollywood Hamper is up for grabs. All you have to do is post your picture on our Facebook pageInstagram, or Twitter, and use the hashtags #Hollywoodbets and #BunnyChow. Its that easy! You can also Whatsapp them to 0823091599 or email them to [email protected] Winners are announced on the first of every month. 

December winner of the Hollywood Bets Bunny Chow competition – @Yossa_Puddle! #AmazeBalls!

Hollywood Bunny Chow – oh my god!

Nothing like enjoying a Hollywood Bunny Chow by the pool with an ice cold Black Label! Durban at its best!

Hollywoodbets Bunny Chow! 

Smiles for days with this Hollywood Bunny Chow at Hollywoodbets Argyle branch

Happy days with two quarters and one half Hollywood Bunny Chow!

Hollywood Bunny Chows can be enjoyed by people of all ages! 

Big thumbs up for this Hollywood Bets Bunny Chow from Hollywood Argyle in Durban!

Loving my Hollywood Bunny Chow at Hollywood Bets Springfield Park

Hollywood Bunny Chow!

Hollywood Bunny Chow – Durban!

Hollywoodbets lunch!

The Hollywoodbets Bunny Chow is just glorious! Winner of the Best Bunny Chow in Durban 2014!

Hollywood Bets Bunny Chows are always better with friends!

Hollywood Bunny Chows are just too good!

Hollywoodbets Bunny Chow! Get In!

Hollywoodbets Mutton Curry with Roti – Durban, Springfield Park

Hollywood Bunny Chows. The ultimate Durban Friday lunch!

Hollywood Bunny Chow – we loving it! Durban!

The Bunny Chow King of Durban –!

Hollywood Bunny Chows always taste better with an ice cold coke!

Hollywood Bets Bunny Chow – Durban

Hollywood’s famous Bunny Chows and Curries 
are available at:

Hollywood Argyle
Corner Linze and De Mazenod Road (behind Mr. Price Home)
Phone: 031 309 4920

Hollywood Springfield Park
126 Intersite Avenue, Umgeni Business Park, Springfield, Durban
Phone: 031 263 2073

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