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Bashing Stereotypes, Tackling Poverty – Babalwa Latsha

Celebrating the rise of Women in Sport who have flown and continue to fly the South African flag high both on domestic and international stages! Featured here is Babalwa Latsha.

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Celebrating the rise of Women in Sport who have flown and continue to fly the South African flag high both on domestic and international stages! Featured here is Babalwa Latsha.

Two women looking excitedly at cellphone

“We can all be unstoppable – we have it in us”

These are powerful and renowned words by the unstoppable Babalwa Latsha – South Africa’s first professional international rugby player who started playing out of curiosity and completely fell in love with the game.

Born in Khayelistha, Cape Town, Latsha made history when she became the first African women’s rugby player to turn professional in January 2020.

Having played football and competed in javelin and shotput when she was younger in Khayelistha, Babalwa says discovering rugby was life-changing for her as it provided a place where her strength and power was celebrated rather than mocked for being masculine, where those physical attributes could help her team.


In her passed interviews, Latsha once told the BBC that “(Khayelitsha) is not the best place you’d want to grow up in”. Two thirds of residents live in tin shacks. One in three people must walk 200m or more to access running water. Half the adult population are unemployed and violent crime is rife.

But this is the same community that made Babalwa the strong, resilient and determined woman that she is today.

“It’s the place I call home and I’ve never been ashamed of it. More than anything coming from Khayelitsha it’s entrenched deep in my heart that I want to be something, something better, so that I may become a positive point of reference for other young women and girls who’ve grown up in similar circumstances,” she says.

Babalwa was only 26 years old back when she was recognised as Africa’s first professional rugby player, and has since grown immensely – going on to play for the Springbok Women’s 15s in World Cup Qualifiers events as well as for the 7s team in the Sevens World Cup in San Francisco.

Despite her humble background and growing up in a township with one of the highest crime rates in South Africa, Latsha overcame all the odds stacked against her to become an international rugby player, whilst also completing her law studies.

As one of her most recent achievements, Latsha has recorded 22 caps for the Springboks and has recently signed a new contract with Premiership Women’s Rugby club Harlequins as she furthers her already-colourful career.

“Since our first meeting it was clear that she is a great leader and her story is inspirational to aspiring women’s rugby players in South Africa and beyond.” – The Quins technical director Brent Janse van Rensburg told the club website following the announcement of Latsha’s contact extension.

Latsha looks forward to making her contributions to the Harlequins team, but her influence goes far beyond what she does on the rugby field.

She credits her foundational years for instilling in her a strong sense of purpose and a survivor’s mentality. Other famous residents include the LGBTQI+ campaigner Funeka Soldaat and the climate activist Yola Mgogwana. Latsha chooses to see herself in this mould.

She is on the board of the MENstruation Foundation, a non-governmental organisation that seeks to end period poverty in South Africa. The foundation has created vending machines that deposit, for free and without the need for electricity, sanitary pads and menstrual caps to girls in need. A study last year found that one in 10 girls in South Africa miss up to 20% of the school year during their period. Latsha hopes to reduce that number to zero.

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